Please join us in congratulating our Pilot Project Awardees!!!



Environmental Health Research Pilot Awards

Dara Torgerson, PhD, MSc, Associate Professor, UCSF, Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Environmental Toxins and Immunological Response to Viral Respiratory Infections in American Indian Children with Asthma (using DTSC Environmental Chemical Laboratory)



Environmental Health Research Pilot Awards

Stephanie Gaw, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, UCSF, Ob/Gyn and Reproductive Sciences

Application of laser capture microdissection and mass spectrometry to identify placental biomarkers of wildfire smoke exposure (using Proteomics)


Hannah Shapiro, MD, UCSF, Pediatrics

Association Between Wildfire Smoke Exposure and Emergency Department Visits for Headache in Children and Adolescents (using TRSC)


Carly Hyland, PhD, MS, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley

Mitigating Pesticide Exposure Risks among Pregnant Farmworkers: Enhancing Medical Providers' Knowledge and Support (using TRSC)



Environmental Health Research Pilot Awards

Laura Koth, MD, MA, Professor, UCSF, Medicine

Effects of Air Pollution Constituents on Human Immune Cell Function in an Immune-Mediated Disease called Sarcoidosis (using IHSFC)


Vivek Rudrapatna, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, UCSF, Medicine

Seema Ghandi, MD, Professor, UCSF, Anesthesia

A Comparative Environmental Impact Analysis of Methods for Colorectal Cancer Screening


Elliot Stieglitz, MD, Associate Professor, UCSF, Pediatrics

Investigating Environmental Causes of Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia using Metabolomic Profiling of Newborn Blood Spots (using DTSC Environmental Chemical Laboratory)


Environmental Health, Nutrition & Obesity Pilot Awards co-sponsored with the UCSF P30 Nutrition & Obesity Research Center (NORC)

Ayca Erkin-Cakmak, MD, MPH, Pediatric Advance Research Fellow, UCSF, Pediatric Endocrinology.

Ana María Mora-Wyrobek, MD, PhD (co-PI), UC Berkeley

Prenatal and mid-childhood exposure to mixtures of persistent organic pollutants and cardiometabolic health in Mexican-American young adults from the CHAMACOS cohort" (using TRSC)


Joshua Robinson, PhD, Assistant Professor, UCSF, Ob/Gyn & Reproductive Sciences

Investigating the role of perfluorinated alkylated substances in diglyceride acyltransferase inhibition and lipid metabolic dysfunction (using DTSC Environmental Chemical Laboratory)



Environmental Health Research Pilot Awards

Paige Bracci, PhD, MPH, MS, Professor, UCSF, Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Exposome Analyses and Glioma Mutational Signatures in Firefighters in the Adult Glioma Study (using TRSC and DTSC Environmental Chemical Laboratory)


Neeta Thakur, MD, Assistant Professor, UCSF, Medicine

Deadline Characterizing mobility patterns to assess microenvironment air pollution exposure and associations with respiratory symptoms in adolescents (using TRSC)


Cancer and Environmental Health Research Pilot Award co-sponsored with the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (HDFCCC)

Max Aung, PhD, MPH, Associate Research Scientist, UCSF, Ob/Gyn and Reproductive Sciences

Multi-pollutant profiles of hormonally mediated cancers and endogenous hormones in men and women



Environmental Health Research Pilot Awards

Raquel Chamorro-Garcia, PhD, Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz, Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology

Proteomic profiling of primordial germ cells upon preconception exposure to environmental factors (using HTCS and Proteomics)


Aras Mattis, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, UCSF, Pathology, Joshua Robinson, PhD (co-I)

Environmental Chemical Exposures and Liver Developmental Toxicity (using Proteomics)


Amy Padula, PhD, Associate Professor, UCSF, Ob/Gyn and Reproductive Sciences, Stephanie Gaw, MD, PhD (co-I), Joshua Robinson, PhD (co-I)

Wildfire smoke in pregnant people in San Francisco Bay Area (using TRSC)